Maison Al-Muhajabaat is proud so announce its collaboration which Al-Akhawaat project, and organisation dedicated to supporting the most vulnerable in our community.
Al Akhawaat Project was established in Ramadan 1446 AH recognising a need for sisters who may not necessarily be able to afford to access modest wear. The aim of the project is to provide high quality or sustainable modest wear at no cost at all or at a subsidised rate allowing sisters of all walks and backgrounds to be able to access high quality clothing.
The idea is to not only support sisters but also generate a means of sadaqah Jariya for our sisters.
Donations will be collected via the following link: donation link
Criteria is as follows:
High Priority Additions:
Muslim prisoners and their families
Sisters who own no articles of modest clothing and cannot afford to purchase at any price point.
Homeless sisters – Women experiencing homelessness, whether due to domestic violence, financial hardship, or other circumstances, who need modest clothing.
Women escaping forced marriage or honor-based abuse.
Domestic Violence due to practicing Islam or observation of the hijab/niqab.
Sisters who wish to cover correctly but aren’t able to afford to do so due to their
limited financial situation.
Reverts less than 3 months.
Refugees pending status
Orphans or sisters in foster care
Medium Priority Additions:
Sisters with medical conditions/disabilities – Those unable to work or struggling
financially due to long-term health conditions.
Victims of theft/disaster – Those who lost their belongings due to theft, fire, or other disasters.
Refugee approved status (unable to work)
Sisters looking to improve their hijab without the means to do so
Low Priority Additions:
Single mothers on universal credit.
Widows or elderly women in financial hardship – Sisters who are unable to work and are living in poverty.
Sisters who have damaged or old items.
Terms of applying:
Whilst we aim to support many sisters across all backgrounds and financial status this is currently limited to how much funds are able to be raised, therefore we would like to generate funds initially for sisters who meet the criteria and if we have further stock and products to allocate to sisters in need.
The products we will initially be prioritising are Khimars and Niqabs, and Jilbabs on a case-by-case basis.
In the application we will be asking a select range of information to understand the precise needs of applicants as well as their financial status to allow us to allocate items to those who are most in need, for some groups of people in specific situations savings are not considered due to the nature of the case.
We would like to remind sisters that this is not a free hijab project but a project to address the needs of the community, misuse of this will result in you being barred from accessing this in the future and you will be accountable before Allah.